Sabrina DeBose
Sabrina is originally from New Orleans, Louisiana but currently resides in Snellville, Georgia. Her favorite workout is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) because it gets the heart rate up fast and you continue to burn calories after the workout. Her favorite supplement is Chocolate Protein Powder and BCAA. The best fitness advice ever given to her is that staying active and exercising on regular bases is the best way to show yourself some love. Her family keeps her going and one of her many personal goals is to be healthy and physically active for the rest of my life.Her perfect workout is strength training followed up with some cardio because it helps you to get stronger, leaner, healthier. Her favorite Tadda’s post workout shake is German Chocolate Shake with glutamine and fat burner.
Her words to live by are: "Enjoy lifes journeys and know that God has a plan made just for you." and "Be comfortable being yourself!"