As you look back over 2018 I want you to walk over to the mirror of Authenticity…your Soul’s Mirror. This mirror shows the reflection of yourself when you feel no one is looking, your true essence and ask yourself these simple questions. Are you happy with what you see? And are you who you want to be? The best part about whether you do or you don’t is…you are the only person who has the ability to change it.
The reflection you see in the mirror is shaped by the way you feel about yourself. It’s easy to believe that the “perfect” body will somehow make you happier or more confident about your looks. That idea is sold to us constantly in magazines, movies and in pretty much every beauty and fashion ad that exist. But the truth is that positive body image isn’t about the number on your scale or the size of your clothes. It’s something that comes from having confidence in who you are, your talents, your beliefs and your strengths.
Low self-esteem and poor body image go hand-in-hand. People who lack inner confidence often end up obsessing about their outward appearance. You might think that your looks are holding you back in life; however body image insecurities go much deeper. If you want to change the way you see yourself, the first step is to learn how to take pride in all the things that make you uniquely you.
Step 1: Learn to say thank you when someone compliments you. Stop giving excuses and realize you’re worthy of their praise.
Step 2: Affirm yourself. Every word you say or sing is an affirmation. Practice saying positive affirmations (with intentions) that can help you clear away specific thoughts or beliefs that may be unhealthy. Speak positivity over your life and it shall be.
Step 3: Make a list of what makes you proud of YOU. You must write at least five things or more and why. Writing them makes you see it, seeing it makes you believe it, believing it puts it into action.
Step 4: Access your mirror of Authenticity often. Anytime you are willing to surrender and be honest with yourself. You could choose to look in it every day and marvel at the nuances within you that are transforming, or you could decide to not do it as often. The one thing that is certain if you choose to look into your soul’s mirror as a matter of daily practice: eventually it will be whom you see, not what you see, and there will be nothing more beautiful than seeing the real you and loving it!
Step 5: It’s never about how anyone sees you but YOU. Adopt a No Mess spirit that all things are possible for ME. Dream It…Believe It…Live It!
2019 is going to be even bigger and better. No Mess