As many of you know I embarked on a new business, I had being dreaming about for some time now. I started my Personal Training Certification School. The school consisted of four weeks of 4 hour a day classes. So, over these past 4 weeks my schedule was nonstop. I woke at 4AM, conducted 5AM and 7AM workout sessions, drove across town in Atlanta traffic to teach my 15 students from 10AM-2PM, handled the business of my fitness company and then returned to the gym for 6PMworkout sessions remaining at the studio until closing at 9pm. I am tired from typing that and it must be just as exhausting reading it. You might also be thinking what was Tadda on. My only response is HAPPINESS.
Now don’t get me wrong there were many days it took everything in me to get out of bed. For those moments, let me share what kept me motivated. To be happy and healthy you need to embrace this truth and use it to your advantage. You must have an effective morning ritual that gradually improves your well-being and gives your life purpose. Here’s what I do differently than most to keep my happy spirit:
Wake up with a sense of gratitude. In other words, start the day with love in your heart and mind. Be truly appreciative of being alive. Start your day as you get out of bed by saying what you are thankful for. “I am thankful for waking up on time, for having a bed to sleep in, for being able to open my eyes, and for taking a breath. These simple things would mean a lot if you weren’t able to do them, so give thanks each day. I promise your day will start differently. Do Over. Yesterday may have been a complete bust. The day felt like it couldn’t have been any worse. If so leave that day in the past and yell “Do Over” just like you did when you were a kid. Once you yell it, believe you are beginning anew no matter how you feel. You have now spoken it into existence. Live in the now, not the past and not the future.
Self-Affirmation is a must. You can not rely on the world to affirm you. If you do you are setting yourself up for defeat and failure. Start your day by looking in the mirror as you are washing your imperfect face and say, “Good morning beautiful or handsome”, ask yourself what good shall I do today? Go into your day saying, “If today were the last day of my life, doing this would make me happy and try to see how you can accomplish it. Think about a friend, family or stranger you could make smile today.
Read or listen to something positive. Whether you read a scripture, listen to your favorite motivational speaker or a song that makes your heart dance, make time to pour positivity into your spirit. Positivity is followed by productivity!
Get moving. Moving first thing in the morning is critical. It helps you focus and build momentum for your day. It also gives you the freedom to be present and relaxed. Even if you couldn’t get to happy on your own, by being active you release serotonin that contributes to you feeling happy, increasing learning and memory…who doesn’t want this?
Eat a wholesome breakfast. You can’t possibly have a happy, healthy day if you feed your body crap first thing in the morning or skip breakfast. Period! Your body is your temple. You are what you eat. Take an extra 10 minutes to prepare a wholesome breakfast.
If you want to be more successful, less stressed and a lot happier at the end of a long day, you must first change how you start it. My advice is simple yet effective, try adding one element at a time, watch your smile become bigger and your life become happier! No Mess.