November 19, 2023 “It’s how you PIVOT that matters!”
As a certified fitness trainer, when I hear the word “Pivot” my mind instinctually thinks about all the different exercises we do that we must pivot. Pivoting is essentially the act of changing direction by rotating your body while keeping one foot stationary. For example, pivoting when punching is a key technique used in boxing to enhance power and leverage while maintaining balance.
This week I received an inbox and my whole mindset pivoted.
Client: Hope you’ve been ok this week. You’ve seemed to be low energy and Imma need yelling and shouting when I’m pushing for these miles tomorrow! LOL but for real hope you ok! Thank you for everything you are appreciated!
Tadda: Wow great observation. Tough last 2 weeks. Had to terminate some staff and it really hurt my spirit. It’s hard running a business when you become close family. I’ll be on yo A$$ tomorrow. I needed to read this today. So, thank you.
Client: It is difficult. Especially when everyone get to be so close knit. But when you are the boss, you are always going to have to make tough decisions. It’s more about how you pivot after that decision. I definitely hate to hear about that, but I know you will thrive from here moving forward. You don’t make it 15 years without that type of mindset. We all feed off your energy and definitely appreciate your leadership. Looking forward to sharing these winning times with you!
Well baby I quickly pivoted after reading this. I got out of my funk; I came with extra energy and my clients showed out! We had 4 Hall of Fame inductees, 3 Most Fits, several people to get promoted to the next teams, many personal best records. The client that wrote this showed out with the fasted run for men and achieving Most Fit 80% status.
What I learned from Pivoting;
· Pivoting is inevitable and if you don’t pivot you will get pivoted and it may not always be in the right direction.
· The most powerful pivots I have ever made in my life, have been the ones that have taken place in my own heart and mind.
· Pivoting your energy not only affects you but also the people around you.
· Pivot your health. Although I am physically fit. I was allowing this situation to stress me out and staying in that zone could potentially cause internal health issues. Tip: If you are feeling stuck right now, pivoting into a movement and nutrition routine that lights you up could be an amazing place to start. It could be the trigger to you getting your mind feeling right to make the hard decision to pivot.
· Pivot the way you love yourself, your body, your mind, all of it, through it all. Self-care goes far beyond bubble baths and foot massages. It is about feeding your mind and body the thoughts + emotions it needs to thrive.
· Pivot what and why you celebrate. Choose to celebrate the little things, right alongside your big wins. I love how he reminded me that you couldn’t have made it 15 years without making some hard pivots.
· Pivot who you allow into your bubble. You are a magical unicorn on that No Mess stuff. Trust that those that see the needed pivot in your life remain by your side when the going gets tough. Trust those that don’t, aren’t meant to be. Who you surround yourself with has a tremendous impact on your motivation and well-being. So, surround yourself with people that inspire you, support you, don’t talk behind your back, who will tell you the truth about their feelings to your face whether you want to hear it or not and that will push you to be the best you can be.
· Lastly pivoting is choosing happiness as a non-negotiable, not an afterthought to that of your clients, your family, your business, it is the most powerful thing you can do for YOU! No Mess