With each camp this year I plan to bring new and exciting ways to encourage you to become more fit. This camp I am bringing back something, we haven’t done in a while. the Team Up to Slim Down Challenge. As we approach the month of March, I’m excited for the magic it brings with it. Here is why:
- It’s my birthday month and we already know how magical “Tadda” is! My birthday theme this year is “52 I love you”. Self-Love is the most important love. The more you love on yourself the more you can love on others.
- March makes people feel lucky even if they’re not Irish 🍀.
- First Day of Spring starts in March so it’s time to refresh, clean house and spring into fitness.
- We all know how crazy we get over March Madness, so go crazy over your health & fitness by Teaming up to Slim Down!
Are you ready to ty something new? Ready to Team Up to Slim Down? It’s a simple but fun challenge, grab 2-4 of your favorite fit friends to join forces with you for 6 weeks to burn fat, gain muscle, get stronger and healthier together.
We’ve done group challenges in the past and they have been proven to work. Plus statistics don't lie, people who join a team are many times more likely to finish a 6-week challenge with great results.
First, the Team Up to Slim Down challenge is open to your friends and family. If these people want to lose weight and win cash money you should invite them to join you. If you have 2-4 friends, family members, colleagues or co-workers who will enter the contest with you, then you already have a team! Just come up with a catchy team name. Any teammate who is not a member of TFC, have to have at least our $19 membership (group classes), but they can also join our Bootcamp or do personal training. How each team member decides to lose weight at Tadda’s Fitness is their choice.
Second, if you don't have a full group of 2-4 outside of TFC, that's not a problem because you will find other individuals looking to join a team inside of Tadda’s Fitness Center. The gym is open, clients are friendly, and someone is probably waiting on you to ask them to join a team. You have from now to March 10th to register your team.
Finally, If you're still wondering why you should Team Up to Slim Down, then read on to see 3 big reasons why you should consider it.
Being accountable to others rather than just yourself gives you an edge that 'going it alone' lacks. This is what a past participant stated.
"I am a self-motivated person, but I found that being part of a team focused on the same goal exponentially multiplied my focus, determination and drive. It's about giving and getting support. I find that when I am helping others succeed it becomes easier to succeed myself. If I falter, others are there to pull me up. There is a certain camaraderie that develops on the teams, that makes it easier to face the inevitable challenges. Sometimes when my motivation is flagging, just reading what someone else on the team is doing is enough to give me that extra push. Simply put, on a team, I put myself in a position to succeed and accomplish more than I would by myself."
"We learn from each other; everyone has different strengths and weaknesses."
“People are there to pick you up when you're ready to throw in the towel, plus the level of advice you give each other is both given and received better. Instead of competing against each other, you're competing TOGETHER, so everyone wants to help each other excel and succeed. You can always trust the advice that you give each other because you're competing TOGETHER on a team. It's like having a team of experts on call, permanently on your side, and having the combination of all those great skills around you at all times only increases your abilities further, as you reciprocally help each other every step of the way. It truly is one of the greatest formulas for success!"
3. MORE FUN. Come up with a team name that best describes your crew.
Get matching shirts or wear certain colors on different days. Do some weekend outings like trying a healthy restaurant or climb Stone Mountain together. Shop and meal prep together but most importantly have FUN!!!
"Having other people share your journey takes away the feeling of it being a chore. Plus, it keeps the whole thing fun and enjoyable, which in itself makes it easier to stick to; you can actually look forward to it each day."
Choose Your Teammates Wisely…
- Team up with people you feel a connection with; people who share your goals and vision
- Select the right combination of personalities for your team
- Try to surround "newbies" with experienced finishers
- Allow experienced team members to show you what's possible
- Align yourself with others who are committed to finishing
- Find people who will always be there to encourage you
- Choose teammates who will lovingly kick your butt when you're making excuses
- Devise challenge strategies as a group
- Motivate each other via social media, start a GroupMe, etc.
- Keep each other accountable by communicating often
Teammates should respect each other and should be transparent and honest with the entire team at all times.
Collaborating with others will help strengthen your potential far beyond that which you could achieve on your own. Align your mindset with a group of like-minded others in a selfless, coordinated effort and you will increase your chances for success tenfold. History has proven that there is strength in numbers. And remember, you can't do it all yourself. Don't be afraid to rely on others to help you achieve your goals. No Mess