Ring in the Year on a New Path
It’s the end of the year and just as you would be reviewed or review and evaluate your position at work, you should also do the same for your person. Reviews are meant to help everyone improve their performance, reflect on their successes, and make their company more successful. A review of your soul should do the same, improve your soul’s performance, reflect on your healthy successes, and make you more successful with each new year.
Here are 3 signs telling you that you might need to take a different path than the one you are currently on and to help you improve your soul: the essence of you.
1. If You Know the Path You Are on Is Not Growing You Towards the Calling on Your Life.
Getting to where you want is usually a multi-step process. It is very rare that you will move one time and then you settle in that place for the rest of your life. There will be a progressive nature to the movements that might lead you down paths that make you feel uncomfortable. Each step of faith will be a small step in the right direction that will eventually lead you to your goals, perhaps years down the line if that is God’s will.
My point is that life is a journey, and we have to make sure we are headed in the right general direction. Most of us may not always know what the specific calling on our lives will be in 20 years, but we can often know whether we are headed in the correct general direction by assessing if we are growing or not. So, if you are on a path in life where you know you are denying your calling and not maturing towards what God wants you to do, this is a sign you are going the wrong direction and your essence is being stunted.
2. If the Doubt Is Still There After a Wise Season of Trying This Path Out, God Is Probably Telling You that You Are Going the Wrong Way
Your correct path will not always have fluorescent lights lit up all over it, telling you which way you should walk, nor will the path be labeled with skulls and crossbones to let you know that is the wrong way. Oftentimes we must rely on experience, being open minded, trusting our coaches, teachers, and trainers and through wisdom and discernment. We must make wise decisions, try things out, and reassess decisions we make once we have more facts to consider. This is part of the evaluation process.
Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-face and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.
Being wise does not mean standing still until you know exactly what the next 50 years looks like. You will have doubts and unanswered questions, God will lead you to make wise choices, to proceed forward anyway; but when that doubt remains after you wisely gave that path a try, this usually means God wants you to turn around.
3. If the Path You Are on Is Pulling You Away from being honest with yourself, you are on the wrong path.
I started researching different meditation practices that led me to a new path of Sound Bath Meditation. People have been using sound to promote healing for thousands of years. For example, ancient Greek physicians used musical instruments used musical as therapy believing that the instruments' vibrations could aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians thought musical incantations healed the sick.
While a modern sound bath won't cure you of the common cold, studies suggest it does come with certain physical and mental health benefits. Sound Bath benefits include:
- Reduction in stress & anxiety
- Enhanced focus & creativity
- Calmer mind
- Relaxed physical body
- Help in processing unconscious feelings & emotions
- Greater feelings of well-being
- Enhanced self-awareness
- Better sleep
- More creative insights & ideas
- Enhances a meditation or yoga practice
- and more!
So, join me in ringing in the New Year with a New Path and No Mess!