Why do we reward ourselves with abuse instead of rewarding ourselves with care. We were programmed as kids that rewards come in the form of unhealthy treats or habits. We are taught that if we do good, we get bad treats. “If you act good while I’m gone, mommy will take you to get some ice cream.” If you get all A’s & B’s on your report card daddy will take you to McDonald’s. In many cases they get these things anyway because most families don’t cook at home as much as they did before, so is it really a treat? And shouldn’t they do these things anyway?
So, why not treat kids with; I will take you to the park, skating, or bike riding. These things will not only get them active, but they will also enjoy spending some quality time with you. Also, you will not only create memories they will never forget, but you will establish a pattern of healthy reward. Or try, I will get you a puzzle, book, introduce them to a hobby or invest in a small entrepreneur business for them. I used to sell lemonade in front of my house or I would shovel my neighbors snow to make money so my mom bought a better shovel. Sounds crazy but I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life because I was rewarded with support and care that made me do and want better.
As adults, when we get a promotion we celebrate with alcohol. When we hit our goal on the scale/in the gym we celebrate by eating some cake or junk food…” we suffer from the “I deserved this mentality.” Doesn’t that seem to be going backwards?
If you think we’re bad to ourselves at times, just think of how bad our country is to us daily. Did you know that in many other countries health care is FREE to all. They reward their nation for being healthy. As for the great USA the system is set up to make hospitals and pharmaceutical companies richer than rich and the citizens poor, unhealthy, and sick. Most Americans cannot afford reasonable healthcare let alone the medications they put you on.
Sherry for example has bad eczema. The creams that really help are over hundreds of dollars and most are not covered by her insurance. A few times when we traveled out of the country, we went to the corner store “Pharmcia,” and she was able to get the same medications for $20 or less. 🤦🏾♀️
Dr. Monica Williams my soror that I partner with at TFC for the Biote is unlike most doctors I know. Money is nice however she cares more about her patient’s health. She left the hospital for private practice because she was being forced to keep patients on medication. She was fined and written up because she refused to keep a client on a blood pressure pill.
An obese guy came to her with high blood pressure. She talked to him about losing weight and changing his diet. He was placed on b/p pills and over the course of time he lost over 50 LBs, he kept a log of his blood pressure daily which was now normal and when he came back to Dr. Monica, they celebrated by her taking him off his meds. When the hospital noticed that she was not writing as many scripts as other doctors they told her to keep the patient on the lowest dosage no matter what. She resigned and opened Deep Rooted Health.
My client and my dentist Dr. Monica Jones came in recently to get the Glutathione IV for herself. She loved it so much and her staff noticed a difference in her, so she gifted Glutathione IV therapy and vitamin b12 injections to all her staff. Now that’s dope…that’s a Boss!
She could have easily ordered pizza for her staff or taken them out to eat however, she wanted her staff to feel like her. Youthful, energized, hydrated, clear minded and healthier. It says a lot about a boss that treats her team like that.
At TFC we reward you every day you step through the door or order something online. You see the more you exercise at TFC the more points you receive. The more TFC supplements or apparel you buy the more reward points you get. You then can redeem those points for fitness, apparel, or supplements. All the things to keep you healthy. Keep actively participating and Give Yourself Reward Points! Next time you get that promotion cash in some TFC points for a piece of equipment. When you reach a hard-fought goal, cash in points for a new No Mess top. Check your points and use these points to take care of yourself.
As for my staff…my Team Tadda, I take care of them. Not only do they receive all their fitness classes for free, they also receive daily unlimited alkaline water, monthly vitamin b12 injections, discounted CPR certification, discounts on TFC apparel, supplements and equipment. Like Dr. Monica J. I want my team to be as happy and healthy as possible. If you’re interested in joining Team Tadda, please submit your resume.
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