August 26, 2022 “Get Fit for the Fight!”
Get ready for the battle of your life
This week Killer Keisha took to the stage for 3 bootcamp sessions and baby let me tell you, she did not disappoint, she left clients laying on the ground, sweating buckets, smiling asking for more. Keisha is slim goodie, toned, fit, energetic and for most people she looks to be a pillar of health and for the most part she is. However, she battles an autoimmune disorder called mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), where she often suffers from swollen and painful joints amongst other things.
(MCTD) is a rare autoimmune disorder that is characterized by features commonly seen in three different connective tissue disorders: systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and polymyositis. Some affected people may also have symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Signs and symptoms vary but may include Raynaud's phenomenon; arthritis; heart, lung, and skin abnormalities; kidney disease; muscle weakness, and dysfunction of the esophagus. The cause of MCTD is currently unknown. Yet, Keisha remains ready for battle against MCTD, working out, eating right and being proactive with regular Glutathione drips, offered at here TFC.
As I am writing this, I received a call from a client that just started this bootcamp last week, she informed me that she was just leaving the emergency department, she broke her tibia and fibula after walking down some steps. She joined the bootcamp because she stated, “I am so out of shape, and I don’t like how my body feels and I really need your help”.
The reason we at TFC promote and emphasize physical fitness is because you never know what is around the corner. When the time comes to fight the fight, that’s when it’s going to matter. We're only as strong as our current health, so it's every person’s duty to take their physical fitness and performance levels into their own hands.
Built for Battle
If these last 2 pandemic years taught us anything, it is to be prepared for the unexpected. Covid, Monkey Pox, what’s next? Being prepared is huge, because it minimizes the impact of a disaster for you and loved ones.
There is a battle we fight every day, and it is the battle of the bulge. The daily struggle to make wise choices (and keep making them) on our journey to greater health and wellness. This encouraging and empowering post will help you better understand the battles you face, learn how to use your “weapons,” identify winning strategies, and lead you to lasting victory of health and fitness.
Arm Yourself
It’s time to create the armor of better health: Because your health is your greatest defense.
You usually know where you are weak; upper body, core, endurance but you must also know that when you go to school, or to work, or wherever you are, you are going to meet certain temptations of the flesh. Pride, egotism, vanity, being a slave to what people think of you, etc. So, what can you do to prepare yourself for those moments?
You need to use the period when you are not engaged in battle, to gather the weapons that you need to fight with. Take the time to nourish your body, understand the purpose of food, and the RDAs (recommended daily allowances). Also, how certain foods help or weaken our bodies.
Learn to listen to your body when you’re being lazy or when you need to rest.
Stop believing everything you see on social media and stop comparing your journey to those individuals on the various platforms, everyone’s journey will be different.
Understand your triggers and develop positive coping mechanisms and stop using food and alcohol as comfort.
Learn to become your own sword in times of temptation. Use that time to pray for the strength to stand in those temptations that you know will come and defeat them. With each victory you will have no reason to fear being tempted, because you won’t meet the temptations helplessly, but prepared to put up a fight. And Win!
Avoid trap zone areas. When I lived an unhealthy lifestyle, after working a 12-hour shift in Grady’s ER, I would come off of my exit, pull into Popeye’s drive thru and order a large sweet tea and a shrimp po boy with extra cheese. When I started on my health and fitness journey, I knew this was a big temptation for me, so I started taking a different route home. I can honestly say, I have never been back to a Popeye’s since 2008. I have absolutely no craving for it.
Or maybe you are prone to arrogant thoughts. As I was checking a clients meal plan booklet today, she pridefully told me, “I know for a fact I ate more than enough calories for the day”. I chuckled, and said let’s google all the calories, by the time she got past lunch she quickly saw she was sadly mistaken. She needs 1,512 for her rest day and 2,268 on her active day per her Fit3d body scan. After all her calculations, she had a total of 862 calories for the day. Don’t let your own egotism prevent you from becoming great.
The battle is in the mind, but it is for your heart. You can be ready and armed to overcome, and victory will be yours. You do not want to be barely hanging on, hoping that you will overcome, you must prepare yourself with a full armor of ammunition. It is neither genes nor upbringing that make the difference, it’s the choices we make. Winning the inside battle of health and wellness will help you overcome the challenges that stand between you and a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. No Mess