![This is MY season!](https://res.cloudinary.com/display97/image/upload/q_auto,fl_lossy,f_auto/c_scale,w_300/v1362515922/6431/-230077.jpg)
March 11, 2022 “This is MY season!”
In our bootcamp nutritional meal plan booklet there is a graphic that shows when fruits and vegetables are in season. You would think that anytime you eat a piece of fruit or vegetable that it will be highly beneficial for you. However, you gain more nutritional benefits when you buy and eat seasonably, because fruit and veggies bought in season are not only more affordable but taste better.
This same idea is true for seasons in your life. I know hands down that I am in a harvest winning season. I am reaping the benefits of all my hard work and because of all my life’s struggles I can acknowledge the season I am in, and I do not feel guilty for enjoying every aspect of it.
Before we get into my journey, I want to share what we think of when we hear the four seasons of the year; spring, summer, fall and winter. In just 9 days we will be in the spring season. During this season you will start to see many people in their gardens gathering equipment, preparing the soil, and planting their harvest. True gardeners understand the importance of planning, timing, planting in nutritional soil, watering regularly and lastly patiently trusting the process. This should also be the process when it comes to fitness.
You can think of the term ‘season’ for a specific period that comes into your life. There can be a season of illness, like when I was hospitalized in 2016 four times with small bowel obstructions. Or of hardship, like in 2009 when the housing market crashed, I had just started my business and left my full-time nursing career to step out on faith. Or of poverty when I was a struggling college student, and I didn’t know how my tuition would get paid. Or seasons of abundance like when I passed my nursing boards on the first try and I started my dream nursing career in a level one trauma center, and in a 2-year period I became the night manager, which was unheard of with new graduate nurses.
Everyone experiences “seasons” in their life. And the length of the seasons are boundless. So, when a good opportunity, like joining Tadda’s Fitness, comes along, if you take advantage of the time, advice, and expertise, you can reap a bountiful ‘season’ that is very beneficial to you with long lasting benefits, like coming off medication permanently, losing unwanted weight, or beating depression to name a few.
Some ‘seasons of life come because one obeys God. When you flow in love, kindness, goodness, and self-control, He then rewards you with a good ‘season’ in your life. Not to preach but it’s the spiritual law of “sowing and reaping”. If you plant your seeds of love, goodness, and kindness toward others and toward God, then whatever you give, will be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.
My cup is overflowing. This is the first year since 2013 that I have been without being in constant pain. My body is much stronger than it ever has been before and l love watching muscles develop that have never taken this much shape before. I am emotionally sound and in a very happy place in my life with my family and friends. I get to run a business that not only improves my health daily, but I am able to help others find and enjoy their seasons of life, while simultaneously improving their health. I get on my knees often just to thank God for allowing me the grace to do what I love. I know peace not only in my surroundings but within me. I have embraced every scar, wound, old injury, heartbreaks, and disappointment. I look in the mirror and love every inch of me from my gray hairs, to my crow’s feet, and to needing to wear readers when looking at anything close. I am free to be my authentic self and I am loving and embracing every inch of me flaws and all.
When you hear the phrase “this is my season”, it is referring to a period in which you are enjoying, or you are successful or prosperous. It is referring to enjoying the harvest that you planned, cried, planted, and sweated for. So, after celebrating my 51st birthday this week, I choose to say I am “50WON” because I planted an amazing harvest, and I am in my winning season. I’ve WON. No Mess