It’s in our nature to bargain shop or to want to DIY. Why pay full price when you can score a discount or find a YouTube video and do it yourself, right? I don’t disagree with this mentality when it comes to getting a deal on some shoes, starting a small garden, or getting some decorating ideas. However, there are certain instances when choosing the rock bottom price or when DIY’s can really cost you not only extra money and time but possibly even your life.
I find that when it comes to fitness many people come up with their own idea of how they can lose weight quickly, based on someone they follow on social media. The person they follow is a friend who lost weight but does not have any professional training and has become their go-to person for fitness advice. So, by the time they seek me out or other fitness experts, they have already set their mind to how they will do things. No matter how many certifications I have or learned knowledge have gained that others pay lots of money to hear me speak about, they come to me with their own plan for becoming healthy and fit.
You go to the nail salon for the professional looks that only a certified nail technician can give you, with healthy nails under sanitary conditions. You bring your iPhone to the Apple Genius store because they are trained experts in iPhone devices. You hire certified plumbers to handle the pipework because of one mistake and you could be looking at low pressure all over the home or even busted pipes.
Think about the Gorilla Glue young lady that went viral for doing her own hair. SMH
People spend time, money and gain experience so they can provide people with their expertise. If you or your friend do not have the certification or years of training and experience, what makes you think you can train your body properly, understanding macros and micronutrients? Why would you think you know more than your certified trainer? Why don’t you trust what they are telling you and listen to their expert advice?
Does trusting your trainer mean you have to give up some of the things you love to eat & drink, Yes! Does getting the results you want mean making sacrifices, getting up extra early or putting in extra work, Yes! Does being on an exercise program mean you might be sore for a while, Yes! Does getting in shape mean you might feel vulnerable or be afraid to fail, Yes! Does trusting your trainer mean you will have to break some bad habits, Yes! Trust us anyway!
This week a client came to me and said, “I’ve been on a group on an app called Clubhouse and I asked them questions about how to eat to lose weight, and surprisingly they gave me the same advice you have been giving me.” Blank stare! I am glad to have been validated by non-professional strangers on an app. It’s hilarious how we trust stranger’s advice so easily and give a paid trainer the hardest time (I’m venting). LOL Please also note I said paid, you are paying me for my expert training and experience, one way to get your money’s worth is to trust and heed my advice.
Another client this week put my emergency nursing skills to the test. During our Thursday circuit training which I know was both lots of fun and brutal a client had to stop because she became diaphoretic (excessive sweating), dizzy, hands shaking uncontrollably, her blood pressure was high and she felt like she was going to pass out. She was crying and literally said, “I thought I was going to have a heart attack, my heart was beating out of my chest”. Her heart rate was extremely high even after she had been sitting still for a while. I immediately took her into my wellness center assessment room, put ice packs on her, gave her a glucose tablet, took her vital signs several times, and comforted her. We had been talking since last bootcamp about her unhealthy diet choices. She has been doing the keto diet along with intermittent fasting. She is a diabetic on Metformin and takes a water pill for her blood pressure and has high cholesterol. On the keto diet, she eats nothing but high-fat protein like beef and lots of cheese. She hasn’t had carbs in months and took a pre-workout supplement she found on Amazon right before class on an empty stomach. Everything I just mentioned is a recipe for disaster, hospitalization, or death. I never want any of my clients to experience anything like this, because not only is it scary, but it could have been life-threatening. I had been counseling her on all the risks of these unhealthy diets along with her comorbidities (diseases) for a while and was very clear that she was not a candidate for the keto diet because of her diabetes and cholesterol status. I pray this episode is a wake-up call for her and for everyone reading this. Please listen to your trainer, that’s what you hired us for! And I can’t speak for anyone else but as an Emergency Medicine RN for 26 years I come with a more clinical knowledge base that could save you a lot of time, money, and or your life.
Think about it, my goal, along with I am sure most other trainers, is to see my clients win. We are a results-driven business, without results we have no business. I want to be able to brag to the world that I helped you lose a lot of weight, reach your fitness goals, come off of your medications, and that exercising and a healthy diet helped you overcome depression.
As a trainer, it’s rewarding to see my clients step out of their comfort zone, follow the structured program, trust the process, celebrate their small victories, and enjoy the journey along the way. As I always say, “Your way got you this way, so why not try it my way and get the results you have so longed for” No Mess.