Welcome to my 50th Birthday Bounce Back Bootcamp! The number 50 couldn’t be more perfect to represent my present state of mind, position in life and prayer for all my clients.
As I walked back into the gym on day one of this epic 50th Birthday Bootcamp, I felt a vibe in the air that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. It felt like the old school TFC. Although we are social distancing, I could physically feel the hugs that I used to give and receive daily. I saw the genuine care and concern for others as people were doing their PT tests, getting their body scans, adjusting to my return to the stage and the first workout or encouraging one another to keep on walking, running, or jogging. The vibe is there.
Researching the meaning of the number 50, I found 50 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of the numbers 5 and 0. 50 resonates with healing, personal freedom, adventure and curiosity, opportunity, and courage, making positive life choices and changes, adaptability and versatility, motivation, and progress. The sum of each of these words is me!
They say when you keep seeing 50, your guardian angels are reminding you to exercise your personal freedom. True personal freedom is to live as you are, to do what you want and to spend time with people you like. You have the power to decide what kind of life you will live, so use it!
Throughout this Bootcamp the number 50 will be our constant reminder to be open for change. Whether it’s the number you will see daily, me asking for 50 reps of a certain exercise or adding 50 seconds to the clock, say to yourself bring it on. Welcome change to be truly free and know, we got this!
The angel number 50 speaks about adventure and spontaneity. Life is short, so surprise yourself and do something fun and unexpected. Be flexible, be ready to do something new at a moment’s notice, because this camp will be filled with new and exciting things. So, strap on your waist trainers and embark on an adventure of a lifetime with me. I promise you will not regret it.
If nothing else allow me to be your muse. I want to kill all myths that 50 is over the hill. That 50-year olds must look a mess. That 50 is when your body breaks down. Let me show you that God is a healer and your bounce back can be even greater than your setback. Let me show you your knees can become stronger and you can drop it like it’s hot whenever you want. I want my energy to be so strong that it not only flows through the gym but our virtual fit family will feel it from hundreds of miles away. I want to be your source of fit inspiration. I want you to experience what it feels like to have total freedom and confidence over your thoughts and movement of your body. That’s when you will truly understand what it feels like to be “on that stuff” to be 50, and to be NO MESS!