It’s too cold to work out, it gets dark too early, my body doesn’t function in the cold weather…these are just a few of the conversations I hear during this time of the year. News Flash: Sickness or death does not have a season! You must workout and eat healthy ALL year long…remember summer bodies are made in the winter.
It’s easy to be active in the warmer months. The warmer months make it easy for walking, hiking, swimming and riding your bike. However, during the cold winter months, it’s easy to fall prey to “exercise hibernation.” Unfortunately, cold weather can discourage even the most motivated exercisers. If you're not easily motivated it's even harder and that much easier to put your workout clothes
Bears hibernate in the winter months because their food sources are low, and they need to conserve energy throughout the cold months. Humans tend to go indoors and hibernate as well. But last I checked our food supply is just fine and there is no reason for us to follow suit with bears. After all, do you want to look like a bear?
Since the clocks have fallen back due to Daylight Savings, more people have problems finding motivation. This is the season that symptoms of depression spike. We see a surge in depression due to fewer daylight hours, the anticipation of winter, confinement during the colder weather, the stresses of the Holidays, midterm exams, deadlines at work, financial stresses, etc. When the symptoms of depression start to rear their ugly heads, some people tend to crawl into their cave and hibernate.
When we get into a slump, it is easy to just let go and hibernate. We allow emotions to take over, but the best thing we can do for our mind, body and soul is to exercise. What choice will you make…hibernation OR exercise? Working-out helps combat symptoms of depression. When I run, strength train, do yoga, sweat, push my body to its limits and beyond…the endorphins kick in and I am happy! I feel better about myself; my mood is 100 % better than when I started, and life is great after a workout!!
Now that the hibernation season is upon us, it's time to stay out of the cave. Here are a few exercise strategies that will help you stay out of the infamous bear suit most of us put on during hibernating season.
- Get out in the sun, lack of daylight leads to lack of Vitamin D, which in turns causes depression which leads to lack of motivation. If you lack vitamin D, purchase Vitamin D3 from TFC store.
- Have a plan; if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Don’t rely on “I will go tomorrow”, because tomorrow turns into next week and before you know it, you’re living in a cave. TFC has classes, bootcamp, virtual and personal training, choose what works best for you.
- Get a buddy, bears hibernate together to help keep watch, during this season you need an accountability partner, someone who is going to keep you on track with reaching your goals.
- Eat a nutritionally sound diet: Help fend off the winter blues by replacing simple carbohydrates (white breads, pies, candies, sugar, honey, etc.) with complex ones, such as beans, peas, and whole grains. Eating these foods will help your body store more energy by absorbing them at a slower rate.
- Keep an Exercise/ Food Journal: Hold yourself accountable for your actions and it will keep you committed and on track. You'll think twice about putting that cookie in your mouth if you're seeing what and how much you're eating and drinking. A food and exercise journal can help you monitor the progress made as a result of changes in your diet and exercise program.
NO MESS!!!!!!