"What gear are you in?"
You know how they say your dreams can give you guidance. Well mine did this week because I was dreaming about cars. That was strange because I am not really a car fanatic so I guess it must mean that someone
I know is getting a new car…maybe. :) If not it gave me a great idea for a topic this week. I started thinking about how I could relate cars to fitness and came up with a great question. What gear are you in?
That's right just like a car we are set in motion at different stages or gears. In DRIVE we are moving forward with our fitness goals by exercising and eating right. We
sometimes even switch to overdrive to increase our speed or excitement by working harder. This usually is during the time we are really trying to reach a goal like moving from the green team to the red
team or training for a specific event like a marathon. That is true drive!
If you are stuck in NEUTRAL you are doing just enough to maintain your weight and just enough to say you exercised. In this gear most people are really not focused on a fitness goal, it is just
something to do. Then there are the people going in REVERSE. This position is when you are eating whatever food but still trying to exercise and wondering why you are not losing any weight
and in some cases could be gaining weight. Most people think if they are still exercising they should be making progress but going backwards is not taking you anywhere. You will end up right
back where you started.
But out of all the gears, it is PARK that is the most difficult. When you are in PARK you have lost your direction. You don't know which way to go and sometimes if you stay in this gear long
enough you need a jump start to get moving again. The key is to keep moving and follow your GPS to your destination. We all have gotten lost before but with help and a little guidance you can
get back on route. It is important to remember that there are different routes to your destination, it does not matter how long it takes to get there as long as you arrive safely.
Can I Get It? No Mess