Embrace the Season of Change
Seasons bring change throughout the year, clocks change every second and this decade will not wait one more year, however change is difficult for many people.
Whether you perceive it or not, everything is constantly changing, the weather, the economy, technology (who would have thought that not only can you talk to someone on a portable phone but would be able to see them as well). Life, culture, your friends and family, your body, everything changes. The better able you are to embrace change the easier it will be for you to live your best life.
“Change is the only constant in life” ~Heraclitus
I talk to people all the time about fitness and one of the things I hear often is what happened to them in their past. Some typical statements are “my knees, old injury and regaining of weight”. For some people, the idea of constant and never-ending change is terrifying, because change often involves risk, loss and failure, making most people extremely uncomfortable.
Some people see change as something to fear and dread, instead of a new adventure that has the potential to improve them or their life. My day to day life must be planned down to the T. So, when I go on a vacation to a foreign land, which I do often, I travel with no agenda and see what life brings my way. I expect nothing and leave with an experience of a lifetime. One of the biggest lessons I learned over this decade it that It’s okay to not always be in CONTROL. What was your big lesson? And before you say, I don’t know or nothing then this article is certainly for you.
Change is the opportunity for you to experience something new and grow and evolve as a person. Change asks you these 3 questions, did you:
- Learn new things
- Master new skills
- Develop new qualities like flexibility, optimism, courage and persistence
All change regardless of whether it felt good or bad in the moment ultimately results in you becoming a better more capable person. And that’s a great thing, because the goal of life is not just a life of comfort, but a life of mastery. Mastering a thing only develops when you are confronted with challenges. And I don’t mean you have to be perfect at something, just that you are willing and open minded enough to try.
When you resist change, you rob yourself of the experiences that can transform your life on both a professional and personal level. If you sit long enough without embracing change you will quickly see your friends, family and co-workers, outgrow you and most importantly you will feel stuck. In order to change:
- You must take FULL responsibility for everything that happens in your life
- Acknowledge your fears- feel them- but don’t let them stop you
- Believe it, speak it, achieve it
- Have a NO MESS spirit!
Change is inevitable. You cannot stop it and because of the interesting things that change can bring to your life, why would you want to? Embrace the season of change. Can I Get It!